Feeling stressed lately? It's that time of year. Cold weather, taxes, the fun of the holidays behind us...Even though February is a short month, it can seem like the longest month of the year. So, today I have a short-but-sweet stress-busting suggestion for you.
Are you ready? It's simple: Practice self-nurturing every day, whether you're stressed or not. This tip works on two levels. Practice builds confidence, and makes it far more likely that you'll think about using a stress-buster when you most need it. And breaking out stress-busters when you're not stressed lifts your mood for hours afterward.
Are you ready to become a skilled stress-buster? First, make a list of your three favorite ways to nurture yourself and bust stress. Choose things that require between five to thirty minutes. (I put Crescent solitaire, reading, and controlled breathing on my list.)
Got your list ready? Great! Now insert your list into the following SMART goal:
I will _________________________________________________________________,
and __________________________________________________________________
once a day, for seven days. At the end of the seven days, I will re-evaluate my goal.
As you're working toward your SMART goal, keep track of how nurturing yourself every day with your stress-busters makes you feel. At the end of seven days, use that information to decide if you'd like to continue with self-nurturing every day. Don't forget to come back and tell us how it goes, and what you observe! :)