Monday, December 7, 2009

Weekly Goals for December 7th - December 13th

I'm a perfect example of how true it is that, as I'm so fond of saying, "You don't have to do weight loss perfectly -- you have to do it consistently." I rarely step on the scale, but I know from how my clothes are fitting that I'm losing size. And if you've been following my blog, you know I haven't been doing weight loss perfectly :D! So, onward I go...

1) I've noticed that when I'm away from home it's much harder to get in 3 liters of water -- and this week, I'll be out and about almost as much as I'll be at home. So, this week my goal is 2 liters of water daily, as I'm out and about every day this week except Friday and Sunday.

2) I'm loving my 1/2 hour of dance and 1/2 hour of cardio daily.

3) I timed my breathing exercise. It takes about 1 minute. This week, I'm setting a goal to breathe 3 times a day -- again, I'll be out and about quite a bit. I'll amp it up next week.

4) Spending that 15 minutes a day with my planner, and focusing on praise for what I've accomplished, has been tremendously beneficial. No change here!

5) I've been posting on weekdays with my challenges and successes, and I plan to not only keep it up, but ramp it up and start posting on Saturday and Sunday, too.

So...what are your plans for weight management this week? If you'd like some accountability or support, feel free to post your goals, too. Have a great week!


  1. 1) Drank 2 1/2 liters of water. Today will be more challenging, but I plan to drink 1 liter this AM, and spread out the other 1 liter throughout the day.

    2) Got in both 1/2 hour of dance (in 2 15-minute increments) and over a 1/2 hour of cardio.

    3) Only got in breathing once. It'll be tough today, too. Planning to breathe 2 times before I leave this AM, and the 3rd time when I get home.

    4) Planner and praise both good.

    5) Here I am!

    As a side note, I can't resist noting that these Monday posts are an excellent example of how losing weight has to be a priority -- and that can be especially challenging during the holiday season.

  2. Today is my birthday---50!!! So I decided that today is the rest of my life and will plan to do more things for ME and take care of my health. This has been and will be a busy week. But one thing I did start was planning my menus and keeping a planner (as you do, Donna). I think it will help. Seems like I'm starting over every week!! I hope 2010 will be my healthiest and happiest ever.

  3. Happy birthday, cbd :)!! I love your openness to growth. I know it will bring you even more health and happiness in the year to come.

    I had to laugh out loud when I read your comment about starting over every week. I feel the same way too sometimes! But if I got to the point where life was routine, I wouldn't be growing and changing...and hopefully improving! Growing pains aren't much fun, but I'm thankful for growth :)! Best wishes with *your* growing pains, cbd. Keep up the wonderful work!!

  4. Tuesday's debriefing:

    1) Drank 2 1/2 liters. It went better than I expected. Turns out planning ahead *works*, LOL.

    2) Got in both dance and cardio.

    3) Did my breathing twice -- an improvement over yesterday, and today should go more smoothly.

    4) Planner was *outstanding* -- if it weren't for my planner work, I wouldn't have accomplished nearly as much as I did, and what would have been omitted would have been weight-related. Praise went well, too.

    5) And here I am again!

    If you're struggling to stay on track, whether it's with weight maintenance or weight loss, I strongly encourage you to post here with your goals and a daily update. I'm finding it *very* helpful!

    If you don't want comments to your posts, just say so, and we'll leave you be :). Otherwise, you'll get some support and encouragement, which for many of us is a huge help in our weight management efforts. Let the comments begin!

  5. Wednesday's commentary:

    1) Did all right with water.

    2) Got in my dance, but not my cardio. I'm going to do an hour tonight instead.

    3) Didn't do any breathing yesterday. I'm planning ahead for when to squeeze it in today.

    4) Planner/praise still going great!

    5) Here I am!

    How's it going for you this week? Let us know :)!

  6. If I'm not being too nosey, what do you include in your planner/praise? I assumed you set your goals for the day and then credited yourself for those accomplished. I need to start something like that. I was reading over a food log/journal from 2005. I was always putting others first then. I'd say "cooked for hubby, was tired, so I ate what he did". I told myself it was time to quit making excuses and plan for me, too. If I can just maintain my weight until after the holidays, I will feel like I have accomplished much!! And I very much appreciate your commdents and feed back. I need all the help I can get!! You are always a ray of sunshine in my day (: !!!!

  7. Thanks, cbd! I so enjoy connecting with you, too :). You're so full of energy and life! And I agree with you completely about maintaining weight over the holidays (as you well know :). Maintaining weight over the holiday season is a success to celebrate!!

    I'm happy to share more about my planner/praise goal. What you described covers part, but not all, of what I do.

    I'm a huge fan of FranklinCovey, which is the system I use. FranklinCovey is grounded in knowing what matters most *to you* and developing goals based on your values and personal mission statement.

    So, "planner" includes re-reading my personal mission statement and/or values list. I take a look at my goals for the month, the week, and the day, and then I map out my day's tasks.

    Before I do that, though, I go back to the previous day and finish checking off that day's tasks as "complete," "not done," "in progress," or "move forward."

    For many years, I considered a day with an "in progress," "not done" or "move forward" as a failure. Only days with all "complete" tasks were successes.

    That's something of an irony, because one of my personal challenges is developing long-term goals, dividing it into smaller tasks, and being consistent over a long period of time. You'd think I'd praise myself *double* on the days when I had several tasks marked "in progress" or "move forward"!

    And, in fact, that's part of what I've been working on in the praise component of planner/praise. I'm praising myself for tasks that I work on, *especially* since I know how hard that is for me.

    It's ironic that you asked, cbd, because just this morning, I reviewed yesterday and thought, wow, I fell short in both weight management and nurturing activities.

    And then, out of nowhere, I thought, "You know, my workday started at 6 AM and ended at 9:30 PM yesterday. I did a great job of accomplishing many tasks, including *some* of my weight management and nurturing goals. Way to go, Donna!"

    That got me thinking about how realistic and achievable my goals really are...and I'll be making some changes next month (I have just one more day this month with that kind of schedule) that will support a more reasonable approach to balancing work, weight management, and nurturing activities.

    Part of what I'm working on here is developing a truly *nurturing* voice. I tend to be hard on myself...then being very indulgent. I'm working hard to turn off that harsh voice, so I never feel as though I "need" or "deserve" to indulge myself. And...I think it's working. :)!!

    Does that answer your question, cbd? Let me know :)! And thank you for asking...I'm looking forward to a day when we're all in here socializing, supporting, and sharing on a regular basis!

  8. I fell short of many of my weight management goals yesterday, but I had a realization this morning: I worked a 15-hour day, with an hour-long lunch break (and I used 1/2 of that time to do something nurturing!). I have just one more day like this in December, but come January it's back to work, so I'm going to spend some time thinking about developing more realistic goals on my 15-hour days.

    For now, here's the rundown:

    1) I got in 1 liter of water. Sigh.

    2) I got in the 1/2 hour of dance, but still no cardio.

    3) Did breathing twice. My kids interrupted both times! Thinking about going back to doing this as a family experience...if for no other reason than so they're not startling me as I'm trying to relax.

    4) Planner/praise--particularly praise--are going noted in my lengthy post above.

    5) And, although yesterday wasn't my most "successful," here I am. I'm feeling glad and grateful I don't have to do it perfectly to do it well!

  9. Donna, I fell short this week, too. I have been doing alot of thinking about my situation. And I decided I will have to just DO IT!! I can't just keep waiting until "the time is better". My life will never be simple and easy. Or orderly. So I will just have to "take the bull by the horns" and do what I need to do. It is so difficult sometimes. I asked my hubby if I made the usual Christmas candy, would he be willing to hide it from me and just give me a serving a day. He agreed. Guess what???? HE DIDN't do it. Why am I surprised?? He wants me fat and unattractive. Never mind my health. I keep hearing what my dr told him "I don't care how she looks, I'm concerned with her health". And she's 100% right. They say no one can use you or abuse you without your permission. I guess that's right, in part anyway. I'm thinking also about a planner. And my mission. I need to set some goals and decide what I want from life. I'm sure I have something helpful to offer. Any ideas, Donna? I feel like I'm on the right tract. But sometimes it takes alot of work to break through packed dirt. But when you do, things begin to grow and bloom!! :)
