Monday, January 11, 2010

Weekly Goals for January 11th -- January 18th

Things are going well enough, but I'm making some shifts in my weight loss efforts this week:

1) Planner, praise and blog daily

2) Cardio minimum 30 minutes 6 days a week (run, Gazelle, DanceDance Revolution, Slimdown, FatBurning)

3) Strength training (dance, Basic Moves, AAHBT, Wii tennis) minimum 5 days a week

4) 3 liters water every day

5) Plan exercise type and time during AM planning

6) Reward myself on Sunday with a new song for my iPod :)!

and so far, so good -- I've started in on my water, and my goals are to finish a liter before noon, a liter after noon, and a liter during work and on my way home. I'm planning to do some dance with the girls today before I leave for work, and get on the Gazelle tonight after work. I'm going to get a song from Amr Diab's or Ragheb Alama's new albums on Sunday if I enjoy success this week. I'll keep you posted!

What are your plans for weight management this week? Post below and let us know!


  1. Make sure I drink water every day! I'm not paying enough attention to this.

    Yoga exercise 3 times this week

    Continue with food log

  2. Sounds good, Veronica! Keep us posted on how it goes :). I saw an interesting article on hydration and mood today, which is perfect timing -- I'll post it next Wednesday, as we shift our Wed-Fri conversational topic to success and the power of the mind.

    Yesterday went *great* -- I got in a great workout, drank all my H2O, planned ahead, did my planner and praise. And Monday went just as well. So far, so good with today -- already well over a liter of water in me, did my planner and praise. Yes! I'm set for exercise today, and I'm already planning ahead for *tomorrow* because it'll be a tough day for exercise. Looking forward to that new song... :)!!

  3. Yesterday went well. Plenty of water, planner and praise, an hour of exercise. Today's a tough day schedule-wise. That makes both water and exercise more challenging, but I'm planning for a liter this morning, a liter this afternoon, and a liter after I get home from work. I'll be exercising when I get home, and I'm already planning ahead to how I'll talk myself into changing my clothes and squeezing in some dance that late in the evening. Thinking about a new song for my iPod won't hurt!
