Happily, this is the last big candy day of the holiday season. Soon, the weather will warm up, the days will get longer, and the focus will naturally turn from candy to fresh fruit.
Until then, here's a short-but-sweet list of tips to help you handle the Easter candy deluge:
Top Five Tips for Hopping Past Easter Candy
- If you're not keeping a food record, start one! If you're skilled with eating awareness, you may benefit from keeping a sweets record. Write down (or take a picture with your cell phone) every sweet treat you eat. If you're drinking more soda, wine, or other beverages, make a note of that, too.
- Remember that Easter, like other holidays, will come around again next year. If you don't eat a crème-filled egg, it's okay. You can enjoy one next year.
- Don't fall into the trap of thinking, "I won't see Peeps for a year...I better eat a bunch now!" Eating a dozen Peeps won't keep you from craving them in July.
- Consider balancing candy with non-food treats. This year, my son wants a hoodie he can tie-dye himself, my older daughter wants potted hyacinths, and my younger daughter wants a hydroponic tomato plant kit. I'm also going to fill plastic eggs with candy and hide them around the house and in the yard, but it's the big gifts that they look forward to receiving. You can use this tip to make it easier to bypass Easter candy, too.
- If you don't already have a personal or family tradition that includes physical activity, this is the year to begin one! Go to the park, take a walk, toss around a football or Frisbee with the kids, get everyone dancing on the Wii. Create your own March Madness challenge, and compete with friends or family!
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