Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"Ten Tips" for Physical (Family) Activity

If you've taken either of my online classes, you already know I'm a big fan of MyPlate, which replaced the Food Guide Pyramid in 2011. But you may not be aware that on the MyPlate Web site (at you can find a variety of resources for healthy living -- which, as we know, translates to successful long-term weight management.

One of MyPlate's resources is the "10 Tips Nutrition Education Series," a collection of gorgeous full-color handouts that offer practical ways to eat healthfully and increase physical activity. MyPlate recently released several new 10 Tips handouts, including Be Active Adults and Be An Active Family.

The tips and ideas in "Be Active Adults" are the same as those in my online class "Lose Weight," but it never hurts to pause a moment, reflect on what you're doing well, and consider what you might do differently to improve. (If you don't need to change anything, take the opportunity to appreciate all your hard work!) The "Be An Active Family" handout offers useful suggestions for encouraging physical activity in the family setting. It's geared for parents and kids, but it could easily be adapted for a household of adults.

If physical activity isn't a challenge for you and your household, or if you're curious about the other handouts available, click here for a link to the 10 Tips. My favorite is Eat Seafood Twice a Week, but with handouts ranging from healthy eating for children to budgeting to vegetarianism, there's something for everyone!

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