Summer's here, and school's out! After a challenging first year of home schooling my three kids, I couldn't be happier. Woot!
I must admit, one good thing that came of home schooling was a change in my usual exercise routine. When the kids were in school outside the home, I'd usually go for a run in the morning or teach a dancEx class. With the kids at home, I had far fewer opportunities to head out for a run. And by the time we got to afternoon, I was often too frazzled to focus on dance.
What I decided to do was TIVO my favorite novelas--Spanish soap operas--and watch an hour's worth while I was on my Gazelle. At first, all I noticed was that my glutes were getting a better workout than when I hit the road and went for a run. After a few weeks, however, I noticed that my usual afternoon fatigue was...gone.
That was noteworthy, as I've struggled with staying upbeat in the afternoons for as long as I can remember, all the way back to childhood. Somewhere between 2 PM and 4 PM I slump and fade, no matter how rested I am, how I feel in the morning, or how my day is going.
But after an hour of moderate cardio, I felt fantastic--perky, energetic, and relaxed. And, unlike the artificial lift I get from afternoon caffeine or carbohydrate intake, that hour of exercise kept me feeling fab.
I was intrigued, so I went to the 'net and dug up this excellent article on ACE's Web site:
The Best Time to Exercise - General Exercise - FitFacts - American Council On Exercise(ACE)
As it turns out, I'm on to something. I'm a morning person, and my very favorite time to exercise is first thing in the morning. That's when my circadian rythym, which influences energy and focus, is at its peak. My circadian rythym--and hence, my energy level--is at its lowest midafternoon.
When I got on the Gazelle, I was inadvertenly giving my circadian rhthyms a natural jump-start--and one that was considerably more gentle-but-effective than either caffeine or a power nap. And I love how that hour of Gazelleing leaves me feeling energetic for hours and hours afterward!
I completely agree with ACE's advice about not changing your workouts if nothing's broken. Too true! But if your schedule is flexible, and you have options as to when you work out, you might consider making your workout hour the time when you're least perky. Of course, you'll need to set things up so you're motivated. For me, the opportunity to hop on the Gazelle and escape into a novela is all the motivation I need! If you have exercise equipment at home, you can also take advantage of TV, movies, videos, or audio books. Or, you might find it helpful to take a class that you enjoy or meet up with an exercise buddy to help you stay on track.
Regardless of when you move your body, here's to a lifetime of loving the experience of moving your body through space. Happy exercising! :)
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