Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekly Goals for March 29th -- April 4th

So far, so good -- I didn't get to bed as early as I'd like every night last week, but otherwise, the goals I set down last week are doing me well. That makes this week's goals easy!

1) Take a deep, calming, cleansing breath before eating and between each bite.

2) Continue with at least 2 liters of water a day...and increasing gradually to 3 liters by the end of the week.

3) Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes, but aim for 60 minutes (dance, Wii tennis, run).

4) Aim for bed by 11:30 PM -- so, start bedtime routine at 11 PM.

How are things going for you? Feel free to post your goals! It's a great way to encourage you to formalize your goals, enjoy a little accountability, and get support and encouragement. Have a great week!


  1. Hi Donna, My goals are to measure food so I'll get back my portion perspective. Also continue logging what I eat. And up the water intake. I've slacked in that area. Have you had a chance to try the seitan yet? Hope your flu bug is gone for good!! That's nasty suff. Have a good week :)

  2. Hi Donna! I tried to add more workout sessions to my week but my back and digestive system didn't co-operate. :(

