Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Feeling Anxious? Check This Out!

Over the years, I've begun to suspect that while we all feel the basic human emotions, each of us has one uncomfortable feeling we really struggle to manage. My daughters both wrangle with guilt, in opposite ways: One apologizes to the wall when she bumps into it, while the other struggles to apologize at all. My husband tends to slide from feeling sad right into self-pity. We all know someone who goes from angry to out-of-control enraged.

My son and I both struggle with anxiety. It's all-too-easy for us to go from fear right to panic. Both of us sometimes struggle with getting stuck in our anxiety, a response that's sometimes termed a freeze response. So, I was delighted when I received an e-mail from Stin Hansen that contained five tips for overcoming anxiety and the freeze response. You can read her excellent blog post on this subject here.

I've found each of these tools useful in different situations. (That said, the fourth tip, Distraction, should be interpreted with caution. One thing you don't want to distract yourself with is food or alcohol!) If anxiety is a challenge for you, I hope you'll find these ideas help you identify and manage your feelings successfully.

If anxiety isn't your issue, no worries! You'll find affirmations, guided visualizations, writing exercisings, and a host of other free tools on Stin's Website to help you become your best self. Just click the "free meditations & workouts" link on the left-hand side of the page, then choose an area and enjoy your free sample! If you like what you see, you can become a member and take advantage of a wealth of self-help products Stin offers (and no, I won't receive a commission of any kind).

If you check out Stin's site, please come back and tell us what you think of it! Also, we'll talk about rage, self-pity, or guilt this year, but if one of these is making it harder for you to stay on track with your weight management goals, and you'd like to tackle one of these next, post below and let me know!

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